Speaking to God

posté le 26 December 2005 à 20:17
En cherchant des infos sur Badi Assad, une guitariste, je suis tombé sur un très joli texte qu'elle a mis sur son site :


I’ve asked for strength and vigor, and God gave me
Difficulties to make me strong
I’ve asked for wisdom, and God gave me
Problems to solve
I’ve asked for prosperity, and God gave me
Guts and brains to work
I’ve asked for courage, and God gave me
Risky situations to overcome
I’ve asked for love, and God gave me
Troublesome people to help
I’ve asked for favors, and God gave me

I did not have anything I wanted
I’ve been given everything I needed
My prayers received an answer

EDIT : Je trouve Badi Assad ravissante...

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