Courts-métrages animés

posté le 04 February 2007 à 15:43
Tyger : un court métrage d'animation brésilien mélangeant prises de vue réelles et dessins, accompagnés d'une bande-son un peu folle.


Ceacy a dit :
posté le 04 February 2007 à 19:08
Je n'en ai regardé qu'un, celui de Terrance. Mais il était tellement bien que je l'ai regardé trois fois.

Ceacy a dit :
posté le 04 February 2007 à 19:43

Nanaski a dit :
posté le 04 February 2007 à 20:22
Terrance was a normal boy just like me or you, except he had a secret about what he liked to do. When we get down for breakfast to sit and have our porridge, Terrance would just walk around and eat some people's knowledge. He'd listen to you talking about your granny's hair, and if it sounded interesting he'd pluck it from the air.

"Your 10 years old" announced his mum, "and cleverer than most, sit with us and you can have this present from us both."
"A gift! A gift!", Terrance cried, his eyes alight with awe. He pulled the shiny paper back and gasped at what he saw.
"It's a book of facts for you to digest night and day".

Terrance didn't hesitate he started straight away. He jumped his way from A to Z, but wasn't quite prepared, for as he got to quantum science he got a little scared. Terrance, he was getting full he knew he should stay down. His mother looked on anxiously, his dad began to frown. Einstein, Newton, Algebra, Terrance was now laded, it's quite a curse he knew so much he finally exploded.

The moral of this story for all you girls and boys, who prefer to study Shakespeare instead of playing with your toys, is save it for the classroom to cram facts in your head, or you'll be just like Terrance is: clever kid but dead.

KtuLulu a dit :
posté le 05 February 2007 à 11:50
deux reins, kop1 (et que ça te serve de leçon, hein) ;)

merki Naski (pas tout capté j'avais) :D

SimOOn a dit :
posté le 05 February 2007 à 23:17
Hop (en plus la bande son plaira à hohun) :

KtuLulu a dit :
posté le 06 February 2007 à 16:04
More est bien sympa.

par contre, la bande son, j'l'aurai jamais reconnu.

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